Awaken your purpose, walk your unique path, and radiate inspiration.

  +91 9849106260  [email protected]              

Your First Job

New Beginnings: Transition from College to Corporate.

Considering a coach for your transition to the corporate world provides invaluable guidance and support. I offer a personalized, transformative program that equips college students with vital skills such as effective communication, time management, and the necessary mindset shift to confidently navigate the transition from campus to corporate life.

Whether you’re in your final year or at any stage of your academic journey, this program welcomes all who aim to enhance their professional persona, excel in their career, and succeed in the corporate hiring process. With coaching, you can boost your soft skills, foster a winning mindset, and emerge as a confident and well-prepared candidate for your corporate journey.

How do I support You?

Career Preparation and Skills Enhancement

  • Resume and Interview Preparation
  • Setting Expectations
  • Goal Setting
  • Feedback and Performance Reviews
  • Continuous Learning

Personal Development and Well-being

  • Time Management
  • Stress Management
  • Self-Confidence
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Adaptability

Professional Relationships, Networking and Mentorship

As a Coach, I can support you in developing meaningful professional relationships and offer guidance on effective networking and mentorship strategies to help you excel in your first job.

Professional Image and Communication

I can work with you to enhance your professional image and communication skills, ensuring you project confidence, articulate your ideas effectively, and make a lasting impression as you step into the corporate world.


How do you Benefit?

Gain confidence

You’ll gain confidence, improve your professional skills, and develop a clear understanding of what it takes to transition into the work environment and succeed in the corporate world.

Better prepared

You’ll be better prepared to navigate the challenges of your first job, make a positive impression on colleagues and supervisors, and set a strong foundation for your career growth.

Schedule a meeting with me to explore personal or organizational growth. Experience a complimentary coaching session or book talk that could transform your life.

Organizational problem-solving, individualized coaching for personal and professional growth,  the fusion of art for deeper coaching insights, and serving as a creative catalyst.


© 2024 · Rohit R Chowdhry · Website by 8FX